First Energy Gum

First Energy Gum

First Energy Gum is ready to provide you with energy!

The pre-workout for top athletes

First Energy Gum is the pre-workout for elite athletes and anyone living an active life. The gum contains 80 mg of caffeine and gives you a long-lasting boost in energy, focus and strength within 10 minutes. FIRST is vegan, sugar- and fat-free. In short, a healthy and fast-acting alternative to energy drinks and pre-workout. To ensure the safety of athletes, FIRST has been thoroughly tested and approved by the NZVT for anti-doping.

Pushing Boundaries with First Energy Gum

I am extremely proud, together with my associates, to present our product. With FIRST, we want to help push your limits while making the world a fitter place.

FIRST is already being used by non elite athletes More and more people grab a gum when they want to work focused, work out or stay alert in traffic. I hope FIRST also provides you with extra energy so you can get more out of your day.

A search for the perfect product

As an elite athlete, I was looking for a caffeine product that would work faster than coffee or energy drinks.
At the time, sports scientists were already in agreement about the positive effects of caffeine. But the product I was looking for did not exist at that time. After a long search, I ended up with caffeine chewing gum because you absorb caffeine through the mucous membranes in your mouth faster. This is how First Energy Gum was eventually born.

The taste of FIRST is as powerful as its effect. One eraser equals 5 hours of energy. I use FIRST myself during training sessions, but also to stay alert while driving and when I am on stage as a speaker.
I’m curious what you think of FIRST energy gum. Let us know!

Order FIRST through our webshop and follow us on Instagram.

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